Steelman Spotlight


February 28, 2018

Asia's Casinos Must Learn The Secret Of Las Vegas, Says Master Designer Paul Steelman

Asia's Casinos Must Learn The Secret Of Las Vegas, Says Master Designer Paul Steelman

Three integrated resorts with a combined price tag approaching $5 billion in Entertainment City by Manila Bay have set new standards for the Philippine casino market, if not the region. Yet these three oases of indulgence each stand in splendid isolation. The 120-hectare district surrounding them is a vast, pedestrian unfriendly wasteland, with tracts of empty land between them that may take decades to be filled with buildings and people. Renowned resort designer Paul Steelman, who first made his mark in Asia with Sands Macao, says Entertainment City casino owners have missed the hidden-in-plain-sight secret of Las Vegas, and they're not the only ones.