Steelman Partners - Architecture | Planning | Design
We are honored that our design of INSPIRE Athens for Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment and GEK TERNA has been awarded the casino-operating license for a casino resort within the former Hellinikon International Airport in Athens! The inspiration for the architecture comes from Greece's architectural past, and in particular, from the Athenian statues and buildings. INSPIRE Athens will feature a luxury hotel, several entertainment venues, a convention center, retail, restaurants and a casino. - Stay tuned for updates on the development of INSPIRE Athens!
VIDEO: Click Here to Watch the Project Take Shape!
Our whole design is by its very nature emblematic, but at the same time characteristic of Athens' historical architecture and its rich culture. It adopts a new stylistic narrative that will inspire the future of the whole region. - - Paul Steelman, CEO
Steelman Partners is an industry-leading architectural firm specializing in the design of innovative, memorable, and revenue-producing projects worldwide. Our unique team of ac claimed architects, designers, planners, and artists is committed to redefining the entertainment, hospit ality, resort and gaming industries with experiences that create value, inspire fun, and leave an impres sion that enriches our lives for the better.
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